"To escape suffering and find one's true path"
To create the best sustainable products for responsible individuals seeking truth.
We create things to last the test of time. We hold ourselves to high standards and do not cater to trends or transitory fashion. We work with natural, sustainable, materials like hemp and organic cotton. We use recycled and/or synthetic materials only when they are critical to a product's lifecycle or function.
We do our best to contribute in a positive, meaningful way to the world. We seek to eliminate all manner of waste, especially the waste of one’s time. We abhor compulsive consumerism, planned obsolescence, manipulative advertising, and wage slavery. We encourage and support healthy balanced lifestyles for everyone, especially those that work with us. From the fields to the factory to the office, we are always pursuing a better way.
We encourage all individuals to live a liberated, fulfilling life in accord with our natural environment. We hope you will join us and become a Datsusara.
I chose the name "Datsusara” for the company as it expressed exactly what I was feeling when I founded the business in 2007. I was working a dead end job that kept me tied to a desk most of the day and left me feeling extremely unhealthy and unfulfilled. I decided to find something to do that really mattered to me and would hopefully help the world in the process.
At the time my new love was Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). I found the practice to be quite liberating on many levels. However, most of the gear we used wasn't functional or high quality. So I began by making something for my fellow martial artists. I also had an older, well-established, love for hemp products. I knew that hemp was an extremely versatile, sustainable resource that could be used to make excellent fabrics, foods, body care products, and more. I decided to make a better bag featuring hemp textiles. In addition to the environmental benefits, hemp fabric also breathes well, is naturally antimicrobial, and is nature's strongest fiber, which makes for a perfect gym bag. I then took my $3K of savings and turned it into our first 100 units, many of which, I can proudly say, are still in service today.
Since then we have grown and embraced our greater mission to provide a variety of high quality, functional, environmentally synergistic products for those who prefer to work with nature instead of trashing our world to make useless garbage. Our more subversive mission - to encourage individuals to live a fulfilling life - is also advancing through many means including the “The Datsusara Podcast”.
To all of our supporters out there, thank you so much. Your support means the world to myself and everyone at Datsusara.
Christopher Odell
Founder and Creative Director